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Devil's Game EP

Available on all digital music platforms

Our debut EP Devil's Game was released 31.08.2018. The response to this four track debut record has been incredible, thank you so much.


We peaked at number 7 in the iTunes singer-songwriter chart as well as number 102 in the iTunes overall albums chart. We also hit number 37 in the best-selling pre-orders chart on iTunes. This is completely surreal for two colourful chancers such as ourselves! :) 


Thanks for all the love! x

Devil's Game - EP Cover Art

We also made this Devil's Game music video at home, in our bedroom.

Number 7 in the iTunes singer-songwriter chart.
Number 102 in the iTunes all-genre albums chart.
Number 7 in the iTunes singer-songwriter chart
Number 102 in the iTunes all-genres albums chart.
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